Glycolic Peels
Glycolic peel has been beneficial in improving dry skin, treating age spots, decreasing facial lines, and rejuvenating the skin’s surface. Dermatologists and aestheticians have been utilizing glycolic acid as an effective and proven tool in the fight against the aging process.
Glycolic peel works as an exfoliating agent because of its high acidity but easy solubility. When placed on the skin as part of an exfoliating cream or gel, glycolic acid goes under the damaged upper layers of skin and destroys the ‘glue’, which holds dead skin to the surface. As this dead skin is chemically burned off, the other ingredients carry the individual flakes away and a water rinse neutralizes the remaining acid. The result is a much-smoother skin surface and a more youthful appearance. A secondary benefit is glycolic acid’s ability to draw moisturizers into the newly exfoliated skin surface.
What are Alpha Hydroxy Acid ?
Alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) are commonly found and isolated from fruits of all sorts. That is why they are referred to as fruit acids. For example, malic acid is found in apples, citric acid can be isolated from most citrus fruits and glycolic acid is commonly found in honey and sugar cane. Lactic acid is found in milk that has soured and Tartaric acid can be isolated from fermented grapes (wine)
Ingredients: Glycolic 35%
Indications: Anti-aging & Pigment Effect
Glycolic 35% as Light-Medium Peel
- For those familiar with skin exfoliates and light-medium strength peeling.
- For 30 and older skin beginning to enter the maturing period.
- An effective, yet not dramatic peel.
- Serious cellular rejuvenation with minimal downtime
Ingredients: Glycolic 70%
Indications: Anti-aging & Pigment Effect
Glycolic 70% as Light-Medium Peel
- Maximum strength Glycolic peel.
- Previous chemical peel experience strongly recommended.
- Visible exfoliation and moderate downtime.
- Please note this should only be used on feet, hands and other similar areas
- May be used for diluting to a lower strength