Painless, effective, safe, and fast for all skin types
Three wavelengths are targeted at all three growth phases of hair. A clinic cannot purchase multiple lasers to satisfy various treatment factors, such as skin type (Fitzpatrick I-VI), hair type (thickness, color), growth phase of the hair, hair density, etc.
In terms of permanent hair removal, these three wavelengths can be the most effective.
Using three wavelengths to target all phases of hair from 0.1 mm up to 12 mm depth, all different layers of thermal effect are targeted.
Energy is absorbed by melanin chromophores with a focused penetrating effect by removing hair follicles from a wide variety of hair types and colors.
808 nm
In this way, a greater amount of power is provided with a deeper penetration into the hair follicle (compared to 755 nm, and IPL).
1064 nm
The product exhibits a lower absorption of melanin, which makes it ideal for persons with darker skin complexions.
Stable contact sapphire cooling system with a max. -5°C
The device is equipped with an internal monitoring system to maintain a cool surface temperature of the water.
Selriah TRI controls high energy in the dermal layers through its large spot, while its contact cooling completes the epidermal protection
During this procedure, a large amount of energy is applied, resulting in the formation of neocollagen.
This procedure firmly supports the lifting of the retaining ligament by stacking treatments and enhancing skin tightening.
The retaining ligament plays a very important role in the facelift procedure
This procedure is complementary to stacking and rubbing care for retightening ligaments without invasive procedures.
It becomes thinner and sags with age as the retaining ligament thins.
Selriah TRI Emits 3 Wavelengths Simultaneously
Fully enjoy its advantage for hair removal and face lifting capabilities
Remove Hairs in All Growth Stages (Anagen, Catagen, Telogen)
It shortens the treatment session for permanent hair removal.
Stable contact sapphire cooling system with a max. -5°C
It is equipped inside with a monitoring function of the on-time water temperature for maintaining a cooling feeling on the skin’s surface.
Selriah TRI fulfills a high energy in the entirety of the dermal layers
with its big spotand completes epidermal protection by contact cooling
A big volume of energy is applied which generates a big amount of neocollagen.
As such, it firmly supports the lifting of the retaining ligament by stacking treatments and smoothing skin’s texture with a tightening effect.
Retaining ligament is very important role for face lifting
Complementary effect with stacking and rubbing care non-invasive retain ligament retightening.
The retaining ligament becomes thinner and begins sagging with age.