Power ful MLA (Micro Lense Array) care for skin texture improving
Stable Energy Delivery and high durability
Exceptionally high power PTP for effective dermal melanin, tattoo ink breaking
Fine beam Q plus Ndyag
Outstanding flexibility of Q-switched indications
Zoom MLA’s proven effectiveness for pores, scars, and skin texture with a high, stable max power of 1.6J for Qplus. Pigmentation lesions in the dermis without side effects (Seborrheic Dermatitis, Toning for thermal sensitive skin, Pigment for easy rebound skin, etc.)
Additionally, we provide melasma and PIH improvements, nevus of Ota and ABNOM treatment, soft peeling, tattoo removal, freckles, lentigines, café au lait spots, Becker’s nevus, and age spot improvements.